Yoga Nidra - Honouring The Body
7:00 PM19:00

Yoga Nidra - Honouring The Body

Yoga Nidra is the state of dynamic sleep. You learn to relax consciously and create inner awareness. Yoga means union, Nidra means sleep. In the threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. Just one hour of Nidra is equivalent to four hours sleep. Once in this state, we can start to rewire the brain to stimulate healthier habits, e.g. self love, gratitude, positivity and creativity.

Cotesbach Village Hall

LE17 4HZ

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Spring Equinox, Ostara Mini retreat
6:00 PM18:00

Spring Equinox, Ostara Mini retreat

fertility, rebirth, and renewal

Join us in a community gathering to celebrate Ostara.

As the world awakens to the enchanting embrace of spring, I am delighted to welcome you to our Ostara Celebration—an opportunity to come together in the spirit of renewal, balance, and spiritual growth.

This Ostara, I invite you to come along as we gather to celebrate the equinox—a moment of perfect balance between day and night. In the gentle warmth of the season, let us explore the spiritual themes of rebirth, fertility, and the vibrant energies of new beginnings.

This session will be a Goddess Gathering for women, focussing on spring awakening yoga, pranayama, meditation & visualisation to meet goddess Ostara, plant potting ritual, and a sound bath with Saskia Sounds.

‘With each breath, we celebrate the return of light and warmth, embracing the promise of new beginnings and abundance. Through meditation and visualisation, we connect deeply with the Earth's rhythms, feeling the pulse of life stirring within us and all around us. As we move through our practice, we offer gratitude to the Earth for her bountiful gifts and recommit to nurturing the seeds of our dreams and intentions. With hearts full of joy and reverence, we welcome the blossoming of spring and the radiant blessings of the goddess into our lives.’

May the blessings of Ostara surround you with joy, growth, and renewed spiritual vitality.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

Cotesbach Village Hall


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Yoga Nidra - Planting Seeds of Growth
7:30 PM19:30

Yoga Nidra - Planting Seeds of Growth

Yoga Nidra is the state of dynamic sleep. You learn to relax consciously and create inner awareness. Yoga means union, Nidra means sleep. In the threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. Just one hour of Nidra is equivalent to four hours sleep. Once in this state, we can start to rewire the brain to stimulate healthier habits, e.g. self love, gratitude, positivity and creativity.

Fillongley Village Hall

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Beltane Mini Retreat
6:00 PM18:00

Beltane Mini Retreat

"Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it's the rebirth of the spirit"

🌻 Beltane Day Retreat is back!

A rejuvenating Spring awakening mini retreat to welcome you into Spring.
This retreat is for anyone who is prepared for inner blossoming, to deep dive into themselves, make new connections and explore movement and spirituality...

Whats included:
Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork class
Journaling & Sharing
Plant potting ritual.

Please bring a journal, pen, yoga mat, cushions, blanket, water & a special object to add to the alter.
Location TBC

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Wild Woman Retreat
to Jun 23

Wild Woman Retreat

  • Cotesbach LE17 4HZ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wild Woman retreat 🐺 June 20th-23rd

This is for the wild feral woman ready to face fears, ignite her inner fire, and get out of her own way!

What’s included:

-Daily Movement practice

-Daily Women’s Circle and discovery practices

-Drum Circle with Hannah Lily

-Fire Ceremony

-Cacao Hape and Sananga ceremony

-Spell crafting

-Mud & Plant Baths

-Fire & glass walk, with FireBird Walks

-Arrow breaking

£585 for single beds

£1000 for double beds (can be split between two

6 singles in the house

1 double bed in the house

4double beds in pods

2 singles in pods

“Men may think a wild woman is a woman to be feared. They think, "oh she's a wild woman, that must mean she's dangerous. She's probably crazy, too much to handle." And in a sense, it's true. She's too much for someone who isn't ready to show up fully and check their ego at the door. She's too much for someone who would rather have small talk than go deep. She's too much if you expect her to hold back her anger or her sadness or pain to protect you from seeing her in her chaos. But trust this: a wild woman is the safest type of woman you'll ever meet. She doesn't hold back. There are no surprises. You'll meet her and she'll let you see her for who she is. She trusts her own worthiness enough to reveal herself to you and let you decide whether or not you'd like to walk with her. She doesn't hide parts of herself in an attempt to keep your love because she doesn't have time for connections that lack depth and meaning. A wild woman will invite you to love all parts of yourself. She'll accept you in that place, because she has done the work to accept herself there.”
Sheleana Aiyana

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The Empowering Woman Retreat
to Aug 3

The Empowering Woman Retreat

Watch 2022’s show real video-

The Empowering Woman Retreat

Come and join us at orchard lodge retreat, in Leicestershire . A private farm house location. Spend a weekend creating conscious connections with like-minded Women.

Imerse yourself in the ultimate self care weekend, with life changing wellness workshops and leave having embraced your being to the very core.

“Through the rebellion of loving ourselves we stand up to a world who has always told us we aren’t enough”

What’s Included? (Subject to change)

Daily Yoga Practice

Plant Baths

Cacao and Hapé Ceremony

Mandala Flower art Workshop

Fire Ceremony


Body Confidence Workshop

Flower Crown Making

Sound Healing

Connection to Mother Earth

Self Development Exercises

Women’s Circle

Love Line Meditation

Delicious Healthy Meals

During your free time or if any of the workshops aren’t for you; there are many activities you can choose to enjoy instead.

Single Bed in Shared Room £385

Double bed £750

Payment Plans are available. Please request upon booking.

Full refund up until 30 day prior to the event, cancellation policy.

Invest in your soul growth and nourishment today.

This Retreat is for Women who are:

• Ready to dive deeper into their self love healing journey.

• Ready to break down the conditioning society has placed upon us as women.

• Committed to invest in themselves.

• Prepared to rewire their brains from self limiting beliefs and let go of damaging habits.

• Wanting to find deeper connections within the support of sisterhood.

• Excited to transform, grow and align with their highest states of being.

To book please contact me on:


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Be Well Weekend
to Sep 7

Be Well Weekend

  • LPC Sports Therapy & Yoga (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The ultimate wellness retreat at Orchard Lodge Wellness Centre.

6th-7th September

Only £250

Live close by and want to stay at home? No problem join all workshops throughout the weekend for just £160.

What’s Included:

-Powerflow Yoga

-Yoga Circuits

-Yin Yoga Workshop

-Nervous System Regulation Workshop

-Ice Bath Experience

-Somatic Release Breath Workshop

-Yang to Yin Class

-Healthy Nutritional meals, juices and snacks throughout.

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Yoga Nidra- Feeling Love From Above
7:30 PM19:30

Yoga Nidra- Feeling Love From Above

Yoga Nidra is the state of dynamic sleep. You learn to relax consciously and create inner awareness. Yoga means union, Nidra means sleep. In the threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. Just one hour of Nidra is equivalent to four hours sleep. Once in this state, we can start to rewire the brain to stimulate healthier habits, e.g. self love, gratitude, positivity and creativity.

Fillongly Village Hall

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14th February - Galentines Self-love Ceremony
6:00 PM18:00

14th February - Galentines Self-love Ceremony

  • Filllongly Village Hall Coventry, CV7 8EQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Embrace Your Divine Self: Goddess Yoga & Ceremonial Cacao

I am delighted to invite you to experience our upcoming Goddess Yoga and Ceremonial Cacao Self-Love Ceremony, taking place on the 14th of Feb at Fillongly Village Hall. This gathering is a beautiful opportunity to nurture your body, connect with the divine, and celebrate the unique goddess within you.

The cacao ceremony, using ceremonial-grade cacao, is a unique experience which offers:

  • Heart Opening: Cacao stimulates endorphins, fostering joy and openness, facilitating heart chakra activation.

  • Emotional Release: Supports the release of stored emotions, providing a safe space for expression.

  • Connection: Enhances communal connection, love, compassion, and unity among participants.

  • Spiritual Awareness: Facilitates heightened spiritual awareness, offering insights into one's spiritual path.

  • Heart Chakra Alignment: Balances and aligns heart chakra energy, promoting love and harmony.

  • Mind-Body Connection: Theobromine in cacao, combined with intention-setting, enhances the mind-body connection for holistic well-being.

  • Healing and Transformation: Acts as a powerful tool for emotional release, forgiveness, and acceptance.

For the cacao it’s advised clients shouldn’t have caffeine or alcohol 24hrs before!

I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces!

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Yoga Nidra- Feeling Love Instead of fear
7:00 PM19:00

Yoga Nidra- Feeling Love Instead of fear

Yoga Nidra is the state of dynamic sleep. You learn to relax consciously and create inner awareness. Yoga means union, Nidra means sleep. In the threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. Just one hour of Nidra is equivalent to four hours sleep. Once in this state, we can start to rewire the brain to stimulate healthier habits, e.g. self love, gratitude, positivity and creativity.

Cotesbach Village Hall

LE17 4HZ

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Imbolc Mini Retreat
3:30 PM15:30

Imbolc Mini Retreat

  • Cotesbach Educational Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and gather in community with me as we celebrate another turn of the wheel and reflect upon the wisdoms Mother Nature has bought us this year.

What’s included:

-Ceremonial Practices

-Oracle Reading

-Self Discovery practices and connection.

-Homemade Soup and Cake

-Meditation and Somatic Breathwork


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Yoga Nidra Workshop- Coventry
7:30 PM19:30

Yoga Nidra Workshop- Coventry

  • Fillongly village hall cv7 8EQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Once a month I hold a beautiful Nidra workshop in Coventry at Fillongly Village. Every workshop is done by candle light to help us create a divine, sacred, safe space.

I started these Nidra workshops due to the amount of stress and anxiety that seems to be creeping up on many of us due to the fast pace society we live in. I strongly believe Nidra has helped me and many of my clients, over all well-being. It teaches us how to live a happier life as well as improves our mental focus and strength.

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation where we work on the central nervous system to help create a strong mind body connection. When we enter this deep relaxed state that is when I can speak to your unconscious mind and start to rewire your brain to help create healthier habits.

“Lilys Nidra workshops feels like paradise.”

“Its so nice to just be still, it’s the only time in the month that I get chance to stop.”

“I have left Lily’s workshops feeling empowered, emotional, yet completely at peace.”

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10:00 AM10:00

New Years Retreat

  • Fillongly village hall CV7 8EQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Start the year right!

Sit in circle and connect to your community in a space of non judgment for you to get to know yourself deeply, nourish your soul and prepare for the year ahead. This retreat is open to both men and women of all ages.

What’s involved:

-Slow flow yoga class

-Goal setting workshop

-Cacao Ceremony

  • -Nourishing food

  • -Tarot Predictions for the year ahead

  • -Rituals and Ceremony to call in a beautiful year.

Please bring with you:

Mat, cushion, blanket, journal, pen, an item to add to the alter to represent what you want to call in this year, tarot/oracle cards if you have them.


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1:00 PM13:00

Wintering Mini Retreat | £55


“You may think yourself lazy, or flawed. Yet your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars. Your bone composition matches the coral in the seas and you, my friend, are ruled by the moon and the sun. Whether you like it or not. So no, you are not lazy, Nature is simply pulling you to slow, like the life, floral and fauna around you. It is not your moment to rise. It is winter, you are wintering. And you are right on time.”

Donna Ashworth

Come and be held and nourished. Celebrate the Winter Solstice with me. Surrender to your wintering, allow yourself to cocoon so you can restore your sacred body temple and rebalance the mind.

Let’s winter together.

What’s included:

-Mini gift bag

-Yin therapy workshop

-Cacao Ceremony

-Self Discovery Practices.

  • -Tea and Cake

  • -Conscious Connection

What to bring?

Yoga mat, blocks, belt, cushions/bolster, journal, a piece of your heart to add to the alter, pen and water. Spare equipment available upon request…

Please get in contact about any allergies or dietary requirements.

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Nidra Healing- Gateway To Peace
7:00 PM19:00

Nidra Healing- Gateway To Peace

Nidra Healing: Gateway to Peace

Let me take you on a journey. A journey of peace and self discovery. Let me help you escape your busy lives and find a place of tranquil ecstasy. A place that you have always had within you but never discovered.

This is a chance to rewire your mindset through deep relaxation and peace.

Yoga Nidra has scientifically been proven to be the equivalent to 4hrs sleep, improve memory, help you to be more focused, handle challenges in a calmer state and improve over all mood.

What to bring?

A blanket, a pillow, a candle and a yoga mat (extra blanket or towel for those without a mat, perhaps an extra cushion to go under the knees if you get lower back pain.)

Please share to your friends who may also benefit from this.

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Nidra Healing- Step into Serenity
7:30 PM19:30

Nidra Healing- Step into Serenity

Nidra Healing: Step into Serenity

19:30-20:30 £10

Let me take you on a journey. A journey of peace and self discovery. Let me help you escape your busy lives and find a place of tranquil ecstasy. A place that you have always had within you but never discovered.

This is a chance to rewire your mindset through deep relaxation and seek wisdom from within.

Yoga Nidra has scientifically been proven to be the equivalent to 4hrs sleep, improve memory, help you to be more focused, handle challenges in a calmer state and improve over all mood.

What to bring?

A blanket, a pillow, a candle and a yoga mat (extra blanket or towel for those without a mat, perhaps an extra cushion to go under the knees if you get lower back pain.)

Please share to your friends who may also benefit from this.

Fillongly Village Hall



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7:00 PM19:00

Nidra Healing: Dealing with difficult people

Nidra Healing: Dealing With Difficult People

Friday 29/9/23 19:30-20:30 £10

Let me take you on a journey. A journey of peace and self discovery. Let me help you escape your busy lives and find a place of tranquil ecstasy. A place that you have always had within you but never discovered.  

This is a chance to rewire your mindset through deep relaxation and seek wisdom from within.

Yoga Nidra has scientifically been proven to be the equivalent to 4hrs sleep, improve memory, help you to be more focused, handle challenges in a calmer state and improve over all mood.

What to bring?

A blanket, a pillow, a candle and a yoga mat (extra blanket or towel for those without a mat, perhaps an extra cushion to go under the knees if you get lower back pain.)

Please share to your friends who may also benefit from this.  

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Exclusive Retreat Day
10:00 AM10:00

Exclusive Retreat Day

I’m very excited to be teaming up with the incredibly talented and beautiful soul, Hannah, to co-host a transformative and exclusive day retreat!

We will begin the day with a Cacao and intention setting ceremony, followed by a holistic jewellery workshop where you will learn the art of hand stamping and create your own personalised silver ring with your chosen intention word.

The day will also include Yin therapy and Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation and inner healing, a grounding walk in a nearby forest to connect with nature, a delicious healthy lunch made with fresh produce from Hannah’s garden, and a special commitment ceremony with our finished rings to close the experience.

This will be an intimate retreat and there are only three spaces remaining, so be sure to secure your spot soon! If you’d like to book or find out more, please send me a message via Instagram at @lilygauri or email me at

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July Goddess Gathering
7:00 PM19:00

July Goddess Gathering

  • St. Anne's Church, Coventry, CV1 2AN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join me in circle for a soul-nourishing gathering with your fellow sisters. Together, we explore spiritual practices, movement, breathwork, journaling, and somatic exercises. Meet like-minded women and experience the magic that weaves us all together.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal, pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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Mini Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

Mini Retreat

I invite you to join me for a rejuvenating Mini Retreat featuring vinyasa flow, myofascial release, self-massage workshop and a delicious brunch. Together we will move through a series of flowing poses that will help you build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. The myofascial release and self-massage workshop will teach you how to release tight muscles and improve circulation, leaving you feeling refreshed and balanced.

This Mini Retreat is the perfect opportunity to take some time for yourself, connect with like-minded individuals, and prioritise your wellbeing. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, this retreat is suitable for all levels. Men are also welcome to join!

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal, pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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Yoga Nidra
7:30 PM19:30

Yoga Nidra

Discover the transformative power of Yoga Nidra, the state of dynamic sleep. In just one hour, experience the rejuvenating effects equivalent to four hours of regular sleep. Learn how to relax consciously and cultivate inner awareness.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water and wear comfortable clothes (Pjs welcome!)

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The Empowering Woman’s Workshop | Burning Woman Festival
11:00 AM11:00

The Empowering Woman’s Workshop | Burning Woman Festival

Join me for my Empowering Woman workshop at this year’s Burning Woman Festival that will leave you feeling powerful and liberated. Through sacred conversation, embodied movement, meditation & breathwork, journaling and artwork, I will guide you in connecting with your body and rediscovering your true self.

I will be running the first workshop on Friday 19th July at 11am - 12:30pm and the second on Sunday 21st July at 11am - 12:30pm.

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July Goddess Gathering
7:00 PM19:00

July Goddess Gathering

  • St. Anne's Church, Coventry, CV1 2AN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join me in circle for a soul-nourishing gathering with your fellow sisters. Together, we explore spiritual practices, movement, breathwork, journaling, and somatic exercises. Meet like-minded women and experience the magic that weaves us all together.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal, pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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Sacred Psoas Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

Sacred Psoas Workshop

Learn how the Psoas corresponds to the lower three chakras, the nervous system, your emotions and how it can manifest as lower back/hip pain. We will explore somatic self-soothing methods, effective massage techniques, Yin stretches, and ways to enhance your range of motion.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal, pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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Neuroceptive Awareness Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

Neuroceptive Awareness Workshop

Explore the world of the central nervous system through mindful movement and focused breathing exercises. Learn how to take charge of how your mind and body responds to stress, ultimately leading to a more balanced state and improved mental health.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal, pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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July Goddess Gathering
7:00 PM19:00

July Goddess Gathering

  • St. Anne's Church, Coventry, CV1 2AN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join me in circle for a soul-nourishing gathering with your fellow sisters. Together, we explore spiritual practices, movement, breathwork, journaling, and somatic exercises. Meet like-minded women and experience the magic that weaves us all together.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal, pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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Summer Solstice mini Retreat 🌞
6:00 PM18:00

Summer Solstice mini Retreat 🌞

  • Fillongley Village Hall Coventry, CV7 8EQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As the sun reaches its zenith, casting its golden glow upon the world, we invite you to join us for a transformative Summer Solstice Mini Yoga Retreat. Embrace the energy of the longest day and immerse yourself in a day of rejuvenation, reflection, and connection.

Join me on the 21st of June for an evening filled with transformative activities, including rituals and ceremonies to set the tone, guided embodied movement sessions for freedom and vitality, meditation and breathwork exercises for inner peace and clarity and opportunities for meaningful connections with like-minded women.

The Summer Solstice is a powerful time to align with the rhythms of nature, honouring the light within and around us. Our mini retreat is designed to help you recharge, find balance, and cultivate a sense of joy as we welcome the summer season. Men are also welcome!

Please bring a mat, blanket, cushion, water, journal & pen.

I hope to celebrate the summer solstice with you!

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June Goddess Gathering - Resilience
7:00 PM19:00

June Goddess Gathering - Resilience

  • Fillongley Village Hall Coventry, CV7 8EQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I invite you to join me in a special women’s Goddess Gathering dedicated to nurturing the profound resilience that resides within each of you.

Set aside a moment for yourself on June 19th for an empowering session.

In this practice, we will engage in empowering asanas, carefully selected to invoke the resilient goddess energy within. Through a guided meditation, we will explore the depths of inner strength, tapping into the well of resilience that resides within your core.

Our time together will also include moments of soulful reflection, allowing you to share your experiences and insights in a supportive circle of women.

We will partake in a ceremonial ritual, symbolising the renewal and fortitude inherent in each one of us.

Resilience is more than a quality; it is an embodiment of the goddess within us. Through the practice of Goddess Yoga, we honour and celebrate the strength, endurance, and grace that resilience brings to our lives.

May the goddess within guide you through the path of resilience, and may your spirit rise stronger with each breath.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

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Goddess Yoga - connecting to the dark moon 🌑
7:00 PM19:00

Goddess Yoga - connecting to the dark moon 🌑

  • St. Anne's Church Coventry, CV1 2AN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear friends,

As we approach the sacred phase of the Dark Moon, I invite you to join us for a women’s Goddess Yoga class that delves into the mysterious depths of the lunar cycle. This session is an exploration of the divine feminine energy associated with the Dark Moon, a time of introspection, release, and embracing the shadows within.

What Awaits You:

🌙 Goddess-Centric Asanas: Immerse yourself in a carefully crafted yoga sequence that honors the energy of the Dark Moon. Explore poses that invite introspection, surrender, and a connection to the unseen.

🌙 Meditative Journey: Guided meditations will lead you into the shadows, encouraging reflection and an exploration of the subconscious. Tap into the transformative power of the Dark Moon to release what no longer serves you.

🌙 Sacred Ritual: We will engage in a gentle ritual, embracing the symbolic power of the Dark Moon. This sacred practice will offer you a moment to set intentions, release burdens, and welcome the energy of renewal.

🌙 Community Connection: Join a community of like-minded souls in this shared exploration of the divine feminine. Connect with others on the spiritual journey and experience the support of a sacred space.

Why This Matters:

The Dark Moon invites us to confront our innermost selves, release what holds us back, and make space for new beginnings. Through Goddess Yoga, we honour this cyclical energy, embracing the beauty found in the depths of the unseen.

Let's come together under the Dark Moon's influence, exploring the transformative power of the divine feminine within and around us.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them

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Nidra - connecting to your true nature
7:30 PM19:30

Nidra - connecting to your true nature

  • Fillongley Village Hall Coventry, CV7 8EQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yoga Nidra sessions involve a guided relaxation technique that induces a state of conscious relaxation, allowing participants to experience deep restorative rest. The practice is done lying down in a comfortable position.

In this session we will focus on the intention of ‘connecting to your true nature.’

Connecting to your true nature is a continual and evolving process. It involves embracing change, acknowledging imperfections, and nurturing a compassionate relationship with yourself. As you deepen this connection, you may experience increased self-acceptance, fulfilment, and a sense of living in alignment with your most authentic self.

Yoga Nidra aims to create a state of profound relaxation, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The practice is accessible to individuals of all levels and can be a valuable tool for stress reduction, improved sleep, and enhanced self-awareness.

Please bring a mat, blanket, cushion, water and comfortable clothing (pjs welcome).

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Flowermoon Circle - Goddess Yoga
7:00 PM19:00

Flowermoon Circle - Goddess Yoga

  • St. Annes Church Coventry, CV1 2AN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Wednesday (22nd) we gather as sisters, supporting each other on our self discovery journey. It is a safe space for women, full of love, creativity and magic.

Through the honouring of the moon, the seasons and ourselves we celebrate in ceremony to find a place of peace and certain transformation 🌕✨

This Flowermoon Goddess Yoga is a uniquely curated yoga experience designed to align with the energy of the Full Moon. A Flowermoon Circle is a sacred and intentional gathering that aligns with the Full Moon.

This lunar event signals the blossoming of flowers and the vibrant energies of spring. During the Flowermoon Circle, we will come together to honour the moon's energy, connect with nature's abundance, and harness the transformative power of the full moon. The circle will involve rituals, meditations, and activities that resonate with the theme of blossoming, growth, and embracing the fullness of life.

In this sacred practice, participants will be guided through a sequence of yoga postures, breathwork, and meditation that harmonises with the blossoming and abundant energies associated with the Flowermoon. The class will incorporate poses that reflect the beauty of flowers and nature, embracing the divine feminine qualities of nurturing, growth, and renewal.

Special attention will be given to heart-opening poses to symbolise blooming, as well as grounding postures that connect you with the earth's energy. Additionally, meditation and intention-setting during this practice focus on aligning with the transformative energies of the Full Moon, encouraging self-discovery, and a deep connection with the goddess within.

Please bring a mat, cushion, blanket, water, journal pen, yoga blocks and belt if you have them.

Flowermoon Goddess Yoga offers a sacred space for individuals to blossom and embrace their inner radiance in harmony with the lunar cycle.

Meet like minded women, feel empowered and explore the magic that weaves us all together.

It's a time for reflection, gratitude, and setting intentions for personal and spiritual expansion.

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