“Like most, battling through my own traumas initiated my why for healing others. It gave me the power and strength to share the knowledge I had learnt when I was forced to find, heal, and love myself again.”
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What is Nidra Healing?
Nidra healing is my 1-1 service using the foundations of Yoga Nidra. It is a form of meditation often described as hypnosis. It is used as a form of holistic therapy. It is an original treatment designed by Lily herself; combining yoga Nidra, life coaching, mindset meditations, breath work and REBT Therapy.
The Nidra is a form of relaxation where you are talked through a body scan to enhance your neuro-pathways which improves your mind body connection. Once in this state Lily can then preform the healing by talking to your unconscious mind, helping you to fulfil any emotional issues, e.g self confidence, letting relationships go, motivation, grief, trauma, support through illness, and even to improve memory.
What happens in your waking state is the unconscious mind will send subliminal messages to your conscious mind eventually turning your vision into your reality.
My sessions are there to aid emotional support. To help nourish your emotions that you are currently facing and move through them. Whatever the obstacle, I can help you return to your heart and find your inner strength. Allow your own wisdoms to emerge to the surface, and understand the unique wonders of self.
I can show you the door, but you must step through it and surrender to the new ways of living.
Heart centred, aligned with your desires, content and free.
what is Yoga nidra?
Yoga Nidra is the state of dynamic sleep. You learn to relax consciously and create inner awareness. Yoga means union, Nidra means sleep. In the threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. Just one hour of Nidra is equivalent to four hours sleep. Once in this state, we can start to rewire the brain to stimulate healthier habits, e.g. self love, gratitude, positivity and creativity.
The brain is something that really fascinates me. After reading many books on the power of the mind, I have witnessed how Nidra has made an amazing and positive influence on my clients’ outlook on life and physical health.
Nidra can improve your immune system. Your brain contains Neuropeptides which send signals to depress the immune system when you think negatively, likewise when you think positively it sends signals to enhance the immune system. Using this technique I have helped people through the pain and mental exhaustion of Chemotherapy (read success stories).
Nidra is about learning to know ones self and unlocking the true potential of your brain. The benefits of this practice is like a domino effect, one benefit leads to another and then that leads to solving other problems. I believe regular practice leads to a happier sense of well-being!
The possibilities on how Nidra can help you are endless; from improving memory and physical health to reducing anxiety. I run a monthly Nidra workshop at Fillongley Village Hall and perform regular live Nidra sessions via Instagram and Zoom (see workshop page for details). If you have a more personal issue please get in touch for a 1-1 session online or face-to-face. During the 1-1, we tailor the class uniquely and design it to work through your specific issues.
Where did Nidra come from?
Yoga Nidra was founded in Rishikesh in India by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Swami taught at a Sanskrit school during the 20th Century, where boys learnt and sang chants during the early hours of every morning. During one of the ceremonies, the chants were performed by the boys and Swami was surprised to know that he knew all of the words. Swami asked the Guru of the school how this could be, the Guru professed it most likely be because he had been subconsciously listening to the boys practicing their chants while he was asleep during the many months of his stay. Swami was fascinated by this, so started to develop and explore the potential of the mind through the union of conscious and unconscious state.
There was a boy at the school who refused to learn and had not attended a single lesson in his entire life. Swami decided to try and help the boy with his own concept of Nidra. Every night before the boy went to bed Swami would practice Nidra with him; whilst in a deep state of relaxation Swami would read the boy a passage in a different language to his own. In the morning, the boy would have to read the same passage again. Within 2 years of this practice, the boy had learnt 11 languages and went on to become a language professor in the USA.
Creative flashes of intuition can occur when the knowledge of the unconscious surfaces into consciousness. There are many documented examples. Newton’s revelations about gravity occurred when he was relaxing under a tree. Van Gough said pictures came to him in dreams. Mozart composed an entirely new music piece while dosing in the back of a carriage. Einstein increased his perception of relativity while visualising himself walking along a sunbeam. There are even reports of people being able to diagnose themselves with their own particular diseases before confirmation by medical experts all through deep relaxation.
In May 2019 I travelled to an Ashram in Wales, where I met Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati (successor of Swami Satyananda Sawaswati and author of many of his teachings). We studied under him to learn how to teach yoga as therapy for people with anxiety and stress. During my time there I did a lot of self-healing and development which helped me find my purpose. Swami gave me my spiritual name ‘Gauri’, meaning the fair and bright goddess. The goddess Gauri is devoted to her people and admired for her strength; my duty is to live up to that name. This name gave me the confidence and guidance I needed to help share my skills in Nidra Healing.