Mental Health and Business
Being a business owner or having a full time job with mental health issues. Is it possible? YES!
Is it difficult? YES! But with the right support and mindset I believe anything is possible.
I was only diagnosed with depression and anxiety last year, however it is now very clear and apparent that it is something I have struggled with for many many years.
I remember when I decided to make a Facebook business page to try and start up my Sports massage business to gain more clients. My mom and dad where sitting next to me and I was constantly asking “are you sure this is the right thing” “shall I do it” “what if”
I was so scared of the judgement, and the possible failure. But after all the hot flushes and tizzing about, I pressed the dreaded create button. I then spent the next week worried about the response I would get to my page, but hey life moved on...🙈
With anxiety you almost need constant reassurance because you don’t trust yourself that you can do the right thing. ITS DRAINING. My doctor said the reason why I get so tired is because it’s like my brain is running a marathon everyday. It makes sense.
However that was when I first started my business. Look at me now, I have a successful studio in Coventry, I have expanding my business to London, I’m constantly thinking of more ideas for yoga workshops which includes the odd bit of public speaking. The possibilities for my business are endless and it’s really exciting!!!
But how did I get there? Well it wasn’t easy, and it is definitely not something I have fully figured out. However I have learnt a lot about how to cope. How to be successful and accomplish great things as well as care for my mind, understand my limitations and most importantly knowing when to stop ✋🏻
I still on a daily basis need a bit of help and reassurance to go on, but that’s ok, because I’m still doing it, I’m still accomplishing, I’m still being the best version I can be.
So my tips for anyone with mental health in business or in a full time job are:
It takes a lot of bravery, courage and determination to succeed. You have to want it enough to face your demons. First of all you need to recognise it’s going to be hard, but also remember how rewarding it will be. I have found that starting up my own business has actually helped me with my depression and anxiety. I’m definitely now more confident and understanding of my limitations.
You need to push yourself into uncomfortable situations in order for you to know how your mental health reacts to it. Knowing these patterns of behaviour enables you to be more prepared. You know how you are going to react, you know what does and doesn’t help; so you can find ways to adapt. For example when I go into my yoga workshops if I do not take three deep breaths before I start talking and explaining my workshop, it comes out rushed panicked and I end up looking like a tomato. But I had to go through that to then know how to deal with it. I also now know I feel more comfortable having someone I trust there just to give me that smile of reassurance that it’s going well when I need it.
Factor in you time!!! Be organised and book in everything you need to do in your week including your rests. What is it that allows your brain to stop? Bath? Meditation? Working out? I have discovered that if I work out in the morning I have a better day. I also now know that if I don’t get a chance to sit down and have quality time with my partner for a week, I have emotional breakdowns as I start to worry we are working ourselves into the ground and are going to drift apart and fall out of love! It sounds utterly ridiculous when I right it down, but it’s true. Being with someone with Anxiety is hard work, but luckily my boyfriend is a saint and also understands my quirks so we factor in at least once a week for a proper catchup.
COMMUNICATION!!! Probably one of the biggest tips of all. How are you meant to run a business completely on your own. If you have a question, stressed, unsure how to deal with a client, ASK! Know one got to where they were without a bit of help along the way. You are not weak by asking another person in business for advice, if anything they will be flattered you went to them.
You need to narrow down the people that you can go to. The person that can tell you everything is fine when your freaking out over nothing. A person that knows how to lift your spirits and take your mind off things. A person who can help show you that what you thought was a 1000 piece jigsaw is actually only a 10 piece. The person that gives you a bit of motivation to go on when you want to curl in a ball and cry. Human contact is a necessity, do not deprive yourself of it when your struggling. Go get that hug if you need it! Don’t hide away and try sort it out in your head. As we both know that overthinking gets you know where!
Don’t be afraid to say NO! If I have a busy week of clients and someone then asks to book in when I had planned an evening off, don’t feel guilty, just say NO. In order to be the best version of you, you need time to recharge. After all being self employed gives you the luxury of having flexible hours, do not take that privilege away from yourself.
How do you put on a brave happy face when you feel like the world is crashing around you? To be honest this is still something I really struggle with and sometimes it defeats me and I have to cancel my appointment. For me apps like calm and headspace are a great little tool to try help get me back into a positive place and continue, when I can’t get there on my own. I have a “pick me up playlist” all the songs that put a smile on my face and make me feel better. Focus on your breathing, imagine your head is feeling lighter as your worries exhale. I have also found stirring the conversation to talk completely about the person you are treating is a great tool to take your mind off the darkness in your brain.
Getting through the day. Something I have recently started doing is setting reminders on my phone throughout the day with motivational affirmations eg “I am going to be successful” “I have so much love and support surrounding me” “today is going to be a good day” “I am beautiful inside and out” etc. Having nice little affirmations flash up on my phone everyday has really helped engrave positive thinking into my mindset.
And finally relax, enjoy it, be excited about your future, be proud of yourself; even the little things like forcing yourself to get up and shower. Feel confident in your abilities!!! Do not be ashamed of your progress or talents. I know I am good at my job, it’s not arrogance it’s knowing my strengths.
I hope you have found my words useful and inspiring! Any comments or questions are welcomed.
Namaste 🙏🏻
Lily 💕
This picture represents a time in my life when my mental health was at its worst but I was putting on a brave face. The time when I left the country for a month to try and escape my mind in India.